Playing with Matches
Incinerator Gallery

Playing with Matches is an exhibition that uses a spark to illuminate, defy and deconstruct. Playing with Matches is about the potential to be creative and destructive, to create a space of comfort for ourselves or to destroy the tinder of our discontent. The exhibition includes the works of local and Australian First Nations, Global First Nations and non-Indigenous artists, exploring the theme of consequences in their creative practice.

© 2019 Photos by Amanda Fordyce

My sculpture Wicked Game (Weird on Top) and Video Performance Wicked Game (No Smoking in this Building) were a part of Playing with Matches at Incinerator Gallery, an exhibition curated by Peter Waples Crowe and Chiara Scafidi. My work for the exhibition reimagines ancient legends of Maui through the visual devices and motifs of David Lynch's twisted road movie Wild At Heart (1990)